Technology and Wealth Taxes

If technology is dramatically improved, countries should start to impose wealth taxes. The money can be used to support the poor, the newly unemployed, and ideally, some form of basic universal income. If not, it does look like we are heading into a world of pain.

Frank Li
4 min readNov 18, 2023
Imagining the Future: A DALL·E Generated Vision of Technology and Social Divide

ChatGPT has undergone significant evolution in the past two weeks.

It has not only gained the ability to read uploaded documents, but users can now create customized ChatGPT agents.

This development will not surprise many people familiar with the underlying technology.

Yet, the ability to create customized versions of ChatGPT for specialized purposes on offers a real glimpse into its development pathway.

Generally, it increasingly looks like how we create online tools in the foreseeable future would be to create “wrappers” around a language model.

What does that mean?

“Wrapper” refers to an interface that interacts with the underlying technology.

For example, most webpages today are just a “wrapper” around a database.



Frank Li

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