Beyond the Hammer: Navigating Biases and How To Embrace the Contrarian Path in Investments

Frank Li
3 min readAug 1, 2023
Generated by Dall E.2 — “flock of sheep”

*Article was edited for grammar and style using ChatGPT

Introduction: Why the Contrarian Approach in Investments

If you’ve spent enough time considering investments, enduring the swings of gains to losses at the whims of the unpredictable Mr. Market, you’ll accept the wisdom that two elements are required to achieve extraordinary returns:

  1. being correct in your assessment; and
  2. taking a contrarian stance.

The collective wisdom of the crowd, demonstrated by platforms like Wikipedia or proper democratic systems, often leads to dependable outcomes. That is fine for the large part, and most people, as Warren Buffet described (and proved), are better off investing in an index fund.

However, the difficulty lies in knowing when a contrarian stance is correct.

I have been struggling with this question recently due to certain personal investment decisions that I am thinking of making.

This concept extends beyond investments into various areas of life, and in this post, I share what I have learned on how to spot when conventional wisdom is wrong.

Bias Due to Uniform…



Frank Li

Random-topic writer🖋️, pseudonym. Loves reading📚 & follow current events🌍. DM me on Twitter🐦 or email me for longer topics.