About Me

Frank Li
2 min readJan 21, 2021

Frank Li

Frank Li is not my real name. The Profile Pic is from https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/.

I think I mostly write because all around me, I see that our priorities are out of whack.

I live a comfortable life in a city, known for its capitalistic bent.

I think I mostly write because I do not understand the people around me, and their choices.

I am confused and so I write to inform and to hold at arms length what I consider to be the errors of the ways of these people.

I do not understand why they choose to step on the hedonic treadmill, living completely miserable lives while pursuing a restricted form of living.

Yet, I understand that is a choice, and for them to have that choice is a privilege.

The world is burning, it seems, and they seem more interested in the next TV show or the next dollar.

I do not understand why they admire those who made their wealth from the destruction of the natural environment or serving the war industry.

They stop gay people from pursuing full lives. They label certain sexual behavior as deviant.

They live in the present but destroy the future.

Across the world, they have elected racists, autocrats, oppress freedom loving people, elect Donald Trump, oppress unions, block innovation, and to what end?

I write behind a pseudonym because these people are all around me. I want my words to matter, not me.

I enjoyed hiking, reading and a great cup of coffee. I have many vices. I hope to exercise more and watch Netflix less.

And despite feeling alienated from some of these people I grown up with or worked alongside, I try to have fun and live an interesting life — as much as the laws and social custom allow me to.




Frank Li

Random-topic writer🖋️, pseudonym. Loves reading📚 & follow current events🌍. DM me on Twitter🐦 or email me for longer topics.